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The Importance of the 

Local Breed Club

by Kristi Tulsa

Read Time: 1 min. 40 sec.

Breed preservation - how is this accomplished for the Cocker Spaniel, a breed that requires much maintenance, show preparation, and health testing?

“It is the year 2000.  A long-time top handler states that cocker entries at dog shows are down across the country.  He doesn’t accept the often-proposed reason that this is because of the maintenance and extensive show preparation required for this breed, citing booming entries in other breeds that require lots of work and specialized preparation.

“This year, the president of the American Spaniel Club stated that many cocker specialty clubs at the local level are experiencing hard financial times and low morale.  He has counseled some clubs, attempting to help them work through their differences and divisions, and encouraged them to stay together.

“Could this be one of the keys to breed preservation? Have you been in cockers a long time and now view your local specialty club as no longer relevant to your activities, beneath your level of accomplishment, or a center of conflict and cliques and generally not worth your time?”

Perhaps it’s time to reshape your thinking and view the local breed club through fresh eyes.

Many breeders and exhibitors need to recognize the value of their help, wisdom, and experiences for those to whom the cocker world is shiny and new.  Individual club members must see the importance of working together as a team, supporting, encouraging, and educating those new to the sport of pure-bred dogs.

Local Cocker specialty clubs must realize the importance of the structure they provide by holding events and educating the public on this wonderful breed.  Local clubs are in an excellent position to preserve the breed, arranging seminars for the education of breeders and judges and providing clinics for health testing.  Local clubs must always remember to recognize and reward breeders and owners for their accomplishments in all areas of Cocker activities.

Even though all groups have their differences, and at times the effort and aggravation involved seems overwhelming, look to the purpose of the club on behalf of the Cocker Spaniel.

Specialty clubs should never forget that visitors are drawn to clubs that generate positive excitement and enthusiasm. When the room is infused with energy, people are excited about being there, and that’s what keeps members and visitors coming back!

Together we can achieve more!  Let’s stay together, work together, and learn together!

Together we can achieve more
people shaking hands

Kristi Tukua is a lawyer who resides in Minnesota.  She was a long-time Cocker breeder, exhibitor, an enthusiast.  She was also an AKC Gazette Breed Columnist for many years.  She wrote the article “The Importance of the Local Breed Club”  for the AKC Gazette in July 2000, which is just as appropriate today as it was then.  Her article brings up excellent food for thought.