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Five Concepts Toward Successful Breeding   

 by E.K. Mincey, Ph.D.

In order to establish some common ground for discussion it is necessary to de­fine what one means by a successful breed­ing program.   What follows are five concepts which I feel are the most important for new individu­als who are interested in success in the dog breeding world, i.e, top winning show dogs.  

An excellent article for breeders wanting to improve.

‍ 10 Lessons from 45 Years as a Breeder

Advice from a long-time dog breeder.

‍ By  Kathy Lorentzen 

“Ask seasoned, successful breeders for advice. We want you to stay in our sport, not get frustrated and leave because your dogs don’t win. We want you to learn, have good dogs and develop into the next generation of knowledgeable dog breeders so that we can breathe easy when we hand the reins of our breed over to you.”


“Ask seasoned, successful breeders for advice. We want you to stay in our sport, 

not get frustrated and leave because your dogs don’t win.  

We want you to learn, have good dogs and develop into the next generation 

of knowledgeable dog breeders so that we can breathe easy 

when we hand the reins of our breed over to you.”

-AKC Judge Kathy Lorentzen

From the Article - 10 Things I Learned from 45 years as a Breeder 

If there is a universal fault apparent in the North American show dog it is, without a doubt, in the front end of the caboose. It is interesting, however, that when there's talk about building good fronts on our dogs the conversation is most often inclined to confine itself to layback or angulation of the shoulder.  Correct respective shoulder angulation is certainly not easy to achieve, but the shoulder is not alone when it comes to achieving correct front construction. Not enough consideration is given to the return and lay of another very important bone in the front assembly--the upper arm.

The All Important 

(and Neglected) Upper Arm  

by Richard Beauchamp

Canine upper arm assembly


“I would say that in an ideal world, we would put less emphasis on breeding dogs to win and more emphasis on breeding correct dogs. 

I think that is something that has gotten pushed into the background. “

-AKC Judge Richard Beauchamp

Author of the best selling book, Solving the Mysteries of Breed Type 

Invest in Gold!

“There is no more important ingredient in creating a 

breeding program than the bitch. 

They are solid gold and without-a-doubt the keystone upon which the entire structure of what you will build must rest upon.”

By Richard Beauchamp

What is a Stud Dog?  by Richard Beauchamp

Few, if any, outside breeders would jeopardize his own carefully laid foundation by breeding to a dog that has few or no producing credentials. The clever breeder is just as selective in stud dogs as he should have been in assembling the best bitch line possible.  This is where the reader should actually begin their breeding program - by purchasing the best possible bitch he can that comes from a line of quality producing bitches. And then their next project is to find, regardless of where in the world the dog resides, the right stud dog for her.   I italicize the word stud dog because so few people really know the true meaning of the word…

Sarcasim sign post

Damn Good Advice

How Well Do You Know The Breed?

by Deborah McKenna

Nearly forty years ago, I learned a valuable lesson from an older, respected, and successful breeder. At that time, the world of dog shows was shiny, new, and very exciting to me. It was a lesson that I have never forgotten. It was a powerful piece of wisdom and insight that aided and helped shape my thinking and pushed me to improve …

Are You A Breeder Or Do You Just Breed Dogs?

by Ms. Dany Canino

Anyone can breed dogs, but it takes someone very special to wear the badge of a breeder.  Every year thousands of dogs end up in animal shelters all over the country. Where did these dogs come from? Can we honestly put the entire blame on the puppy mills or the casual backyard breeder? Or, could it possibly be that many of these unfortunate dogs are the result of progeny produced by "professional breeders?”  


“If we don’t breed with integrity, responsibility and a true concern for the progeny we produce, we will eventually have no one to blame 

for the outcome of breeding, than ourselves.”

-Dany Canino

From her article - Are You a Breeder Or Do You Just Breed Dogs? 

Nature vs Nurture chalkboard

Temperament in Dogs  -   Nature vs Nurture

Understanding canine temperaments and personalities have come a long way in the last several decades. A dog's temperament can influence how they behave, especially as puppies. How a puppy is raised can undoubtedly influence their personality and behaviors. 

Breeding for a Difference by Carmen Battaglia, PhD 

The key to success is staying focused on the important issues. This means that choices have to be made. In this regard, one of the worst dilemmas will come when a breeder discovers that they do not know what problems exist in their breed. This is closely followed by not knowing what problems exist in their pedigrees.   How much progress a breeder will make can be linked to the learning of skills. Three standout…

*Pending permission  from the author


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