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Teamwork, help,  support, trust

What is a Club?

What makes a club successful?  How can I make my club better?  These are great questions we all need to ask ourselves.

Club leaders and members should challenge people to be their best, build trust, earn loyalty, be mentors, and be approachable. 

To sum it up, clubs should never forget that visitors are drawn to clubs that generate positive excitement and enthusiasm.  Together we can do it! 


“We want you to learn, have good dogs and develop into the next generation of knowledgeable dog breeders so that we can breathe easy when we hand the reins of our breed over to you.”

-AKC Judge Kathy Lorentzen

From the Article - 10 Things I Learned  From 45 Years as a Breeder 

The Value of a Mentor

By Joan B. Guertin 

I have an assignment for those of you reading this article.  Sit back in your chair, close your eyes and just for a moment, think back to that time when you obtained your first dog.  Remember the joys, the frustrations, the highs and the lows.  Now, take just a moment to reflect on where you are today: what you know and how you got your education.  Did you have to learn through trial and error?  Or, were you fortunate enough to have a mentor?

Does Your Club Have “Tall Poppy Syndrome?”

A distaste for any kind of success in others.

Has tall poppy syndrome taken root in your club?  In Australia, “tall poppy syndrome” refers to successful people being criticized. This occurs when their peers believe they are too successful. Intense scrutiny and criticism of such a person is termed as "cutting down the tall poppy.”  This description is used of those who deliberately criticize other people for their success and achievements.

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Together we can achieve more

The Importance of the Local Club

by Kristi Tukua

Many breeders and exhibitors need to recognize the value of their help, wisdom, and experiences for those to whom the cocker world is shiny and new. Individual club members must see the importance of working together as a team, supporting, encouraging, and educating those new to the sport of pure-bred dogs.


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